Blog Directory Mankind Mysteries: Ghosts: The proof finnaly?

Ghosts: The proof finnaly?

The Ghost Of Tantallon Castle

The figure wearing middle age clothing is looking down on the castle grounds. Could this be a member of Scottish royalty from the middle ages. The ghostly figure has been seen for a number of years. In fact the earliest reports of the ghostly figure looking out that particular window can be traced back to the late 1830's.

Notice the ghostly figure in the close up photo. The figure is clearly wearing a middle ages collar and the face is so clear in the blown up close up. Please notice that this photo has been tested and checked and everyone says that the photo is real and has not been manipulated in any way.

So maybe yes maybe this is finally real proof that ghosts do exist.

(Original from )

Spooky! Haunting Photo Baffles Ghost Busters

The picture, taken in May 2008, appears to show a man or woman in a ruff peering out of a barred window at Tantallon Castle.

No mannequins or costumed guides are employed at the castle, and three photographic experts have confirmed that no digital trickery was used on the photo.

Even confirmed ghost sceptic Professor Richard Wiseman, who led the study, admitted being puzzled.

"It is certainly very curious," he said. "We ran it by three photographic experts and they said it hadn't been Photoshopped at all.

"The figure appears to be in period costume, but we know 100% that Tantallon Castle is not the sort of place that has dummies or costumed guides - they just don't go in for that sort of thing."

(original from

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